Pharmacology is the branch of medicine concerned with the therapeutic uses, effects and modes of action of drugs in human beings or animals. It studies how different drugs affect the physiological or biochemical functions of a living organism. It incorporates knowledge and skills from a number of basic science disciplines including Physiology, Biochemistry, and Cellular and Molecular Biology. It is the backbone of Medicine.
The goal of teaching undergraduate students is to impart a holistic approach to Pharmacology and inculcate a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics, with regard to the basic domains of knowledge along with skill development, attitude and communication. It aims at building up various competency levels at an undergraduate level.
The goal of teaching post graduate students is to create specialists who would provide high quality healthcare and advance the cause of science through research and training. The training during the course will provide job prospects in academics, pharmaceutical industry/clinical research organization, government research institutions, in regulatory bodies and as scientific writer.
Focus of the Department
For undergraduate students, the focus is on imparting a better insight into the clinical oriented training of the subject which would definitely benefit the student to be more confident and skilled to face the demands expected of him / her and to include all clinically relevant aspects of the subject in assessment.
For postgraduate students, the focus is on acquisition of skills related to teaching, research methodology and corporate world, knowledge of elementary statistics and its applications, overall development of skills and to broaden the scope of Pharmacology from bench to bed side
Research Projects
- Prescribing pattern of Anti-hypertensive drugs and its adherence to JNC-8 guidelines in a tertiary care teaching hospital (Dr. Supriya S.S, 2022)
- Prescription pattern and adverse drug reactions of antifungal drugs in the dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital in kanyakumari district: A prospective observational study (Dr. Anisha S, 2022)
- Effectiveness of Teneligliptin and Glimepiride as add-on to metformin in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus – A prospective observational comparative study (Dr. Agnes Golda Priyadarshini G, 2022)
- Clinical outcomes during a 30 day follow up period post percutaneous coronary intervention in patients in maintenance dose of Ticagrelor and Clopidogrel (Dr.Supriya.S.S, 2021)
- Comparison of efficacy and tolerability of Sodium Valproate and Amitriptyline in the prophylaxis of Migraine: An observational study in the neurology OPD of a tertiary care hospital (Dr. Charmila V, 2020)
- Efficacy of Cilnidipine in chronic kidney disease with respect to blood pressure, proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate (Dr. Priyanga R, 2020)
- Utilization pattern, safety profile and cost analysis of antimicrobials prescribed in the intensive care unit of a teaching hospital (Dr Sushmita Ann SJ, 2019)
- Drug prescribing pattern with cost analysis and monitoring of adverse drug reactions in Department of Dermatology: A prospective observational study (Dr Suhaina, 2019)
- Pattern of drug use and their safety profile in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tertiary care hospital (Dr Ramakrishnan, 2018)
- Evaluation of anticonvulsant and analgesic properties of ethanolic extract of Elettaria cardamomum seeds in wister albino rats (Dr Arjun Nair, 2017)
- Evaluation of analgesic and anticonvulsant activity of Hydroalcoholic extract of Costus Pictus leaves in Wistar Albino rats (Dr Anandhalakshmi, 2016)
- Effect of Statin therapy on Serum Lipase and Blood Glucose levels in patients with Hyperlipidemia (Dr Prathab Asir, 2016)
- A study of drug utilization pattern and adverse drug reaction profile of antidiabetic drugs in patients attending a teaching hospital (Dr Shanti M., 2015)
- A study of drug utilization pattern and adverse drug reaction profile of antihypertensive drugs prescribed in a tertiary care hospital (Dr Navaneeth 2015)
- Evaluation of analgesic and sedative effects of chloroform extract of Solanum Nigrum Linn in Swiss Albino mice (Dr Parvathy R. L., 2015)
- Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of Carvedilol in Wistar Albino rats (Dr Biacin Babu, 2014)
Facilities Available
- Lecture halls – Fully air conditioned and equipped with audio-visual system and black board.
- Demonstration Hall- One demonstration room with seating capacity of 60 with audio visual equipments and white board. Various charts are displayed for self learning.
- Department library cum Seminar Hall – The library has 175 books on pharmacology and allied subjects as reference books for Postgraduate students and faculty. The library also has three foreign journals and five Indian journals in pharmacology. The library has access to 115 online journals. LCD projector with computer connectivity white board and a flipchart available for postgraduate presentation and training.
- PG Research Lab- The research lab has 23 equipments and personal computer with printer for postgraduate training and research on animals.
- Clinical pharmacology lab has equipments and facilities for conducting clinical research work for faculty and postgraduate students.
- Computer Assisted Learning Lab (CAL Lab)- Fully air conditioned hall with 30 computers for each student enabled with internet connectivity available for learning Ex-Pharm series software -comprehensive pack for all active experimental modules
- Museum – 308 Drug samples arranged body physiological system wise and 16 crude drugs available. 96 charts, 29 photographs of scientists , 21 photographs of plants, 6 models and history of medicine are displayed . 11 Catalogues available
- ADR Monitoring Centre under Pharmacovigilance program of India
- Functioning from June 2021
- Dr Reneega Gangadhar is the co-ordinator
UG Teaching
Second Professional MBBS – 12 months duration
Second Professional Teaching Hours
Pharmacology | Lectures (hours) | Small group learning (Tutorials / Seminars) /Integrated learning (hours) | Self - Directed Learning (hours) | Total (hours) |
80 | 138 | 12 | 230 |
Practical Exercises (Small Group Teaching)
- Prescription Writing
- Audit
- Clinical Problem - Solving Exercises
- Dosage Calculation
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Qualitative/Quantitative experimental Pharmacology Charts
- Clinical Pharmacology Charts

PG Teaching
All students joining the postgraduate courses shall work as full-time (junior) residents during the period of training, attending not less than 80% of the training activity during the calendar year, and participating in all assignments and facets of the educational process. They shall maintain a log book for recording the training they have undergone, and details of the procedures done during laboratory and clinical postings in real time.
Year 1
- Getting acquainted with the Departmental activities
- Attend all the undergraduate classes and should be able to clearly explain concepts and principles of pharmacology and therapeutics
- Introduction to thesis writing and statistics
- The student should conduct a research project (in both basic and clinical pharmacology) from the planning to the publication stage
- Visits to Pharmaceutical Industries and Toxicology centres
- Clinical and special postings to learn new advanced techniques / procedure / skills in institutions of higher repute where the requisite facilities are available without affecting the duties of the parent department.
- Selection and planning of Thesis and submitting the topic to the University.
Year 2 & 3
Teaching-Learning methods include a judicious mix of demonstrations, symposia, journal clubs, clinical meetings, seminars, small group discussions, bed-side teaching, case-based learning, simulation-based teaching, self-directed learning, integrated learning.
Lectures: Didactic lectures to be used sparingly. A minimum of 10 lectures per year in the concerned PG department .
Journal club: Minimum of once in 1-2 weeks . Topics will include presentation and critical appraisal of original research papers published in peer reviewed indexed journals. The presenter(s) shall be assessed by faculty and grades recorded in the logbook.
Student Seminar: Minimum of once every 1-2 weeks . Important topics selected as per subject requirements and allotted for indepth study by a postgraduate student
Student Symposium: Minimum once every 3 months. A broad topic of significance to be selected . A teacher moderator allocated for each symposium
Laboratory work : Minimum – once every 1-2 weeks. Laboratory work teaching to be coordinated and guided by faculty from the department. Various methods like DOAP (Demonstrate, Observe, Assist, Perform), simulations in skill lab, and case-based discussions etc. are used.
Rotational clinical postingsPostgraduate trainees may be posted in relevant departments. The aim would be to acquire more in-depth knowledge as applicable to the concerned specialty. Postings would be rotated between various departments.
Students will be, in addition, encouraged to attend conferences, workshops and present papers in scientific sessions
Conferences and CMEs
- CME on Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children – May 9, 2013
- Workshop on Principles of Ethics in Human Research – Dec 12 & 13, 2013
- CME on Pharmacovigilance: A Global concept – Sept 19, 2014
- CME on Diabetes mellitus: Pharmacotherapeutic Insight - Sept 16, 2015
- Workshop on Teaching/Learning methods for postgraduate students - Jan 6, 2016
- Workshop on Good Clinical Practice and schedule guidelines – Feb 10, 2017
- How to deliver an effective lecture for Faculty - May 11,2018
- Sensitization program on new MBBS curriculum for HODs, May 13 &14 2019
- Awareness sensitization program on Pharmacovigilance, September 21,2021
- ICH GCP,New Drugs and Clinical trial rule 2019 & ICMR guidelines 2017 & 2020, November 11, 2021
Faculty as Speaker/ Guest Lectures
Conference | Year | Faculty | Topic Presented |
CME on Pharmacovigilance | 2014 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | How to set up an ADR monitoring unit in a Teaching hospital |
CME on Pharmacology update | 2015 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | Personalized Medicine |
CME on Optimizing antibiotic therapy-an overview | 2018 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | Newer Antibiotics |
Second clinical research regulations and GCP training workshop | 2018 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | Schedule Y and GCP |
Workshop on research and biostatistics | 2018 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | Current ethical guidelines and Roles of ethical committees |
CME on Biomedical Research ethics, GCP guidelines and medical ethics | 2019 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | How to review a research protocol |
CME on Awareness on animal house ,handling, blood collection, routes of drug administration , drug evaluation techniques and methods of euthanasia and animal burying | 2021 | Dr.Suhaina .A.S | Drug evaluation techniques in experimental animals |
CME on Pharmacovigilance Awareness | 2021 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | Basic concepts of Pharmacovigilance and about ADR monitoring centre |
CME on Pharmacovigilance Awareness | 2021 | Dr.Suhaina .A.S | How to improve patient safety by reducing Medication Error |
CME on Pharmacovigilance Awareness | 2021 | Dr Neha K | Sensitization of Drug alerts for Health care professionals |
Ethics training workshop at KIMS Al SHIFA Healthcare private limited | 2022 | Dr Reneega Gangadhar | Ethics Committee SOP, Role and Responsibility of members, The New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules 2019, ICMR National Ethical Guidelines 2017 and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) |
Research Publications
Name of the Faculty: Dr. Reneega Gangadhar, Professor & HOD of Pharmacology
Article Name | Journal Name | Volume | Issue | Year | Page. No | Authors | Name of Indexing agency | Association/Society Journal (Y/N) | Same Subject Journal (Y/N) | Original Research/RCT (Y/N) | Benefit Of Promotion (Y/N) AP -> ASSOC.PROF ASSOC.PROF -> PROF |
Utilisation Pattern, Safety Profile and Cost Analysis of Antimicrobials Prescribed in an Intensive Care Unit of a Teaching Hospital | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | 14 | 3 | 2020 Mar | FC01-FC05 | SJ Sushmita Ann¹, Reneega Gangadhar², R Priyanga³ | Embase | N | Y | Original Research | |
Impact of Remedial Teaching for Low Achievers in Pharmacology to improve their Academic Performance | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | Vol-13 | 11 | 2019 Nov | FC01-FC03 | Reneega Gangadhar¹, Charmila Veeraswamy², Supriya Selvakumar Suseela³ | Embase | N | Y | Original research | |
Drug Prescribing Pattern with Cost Analysis and Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions in Dermatology | International Journal of Scientific Study | 6 | 8 | November 2018 | 746-9 | A. S. Suhaina¹, G. Reneega²(corresponding author) | Google scholar | N | Y | Original research | |
A cross sectional study of drug prescription pattern and causality assessment of adverse drug reactions in the department of Dermatology and Venereology in a tertiary care hospital | F 1000 Research | 7 | 2018 | 1601 | Veeraswamy C¹, Gangadhar R² and Abdul Samath S³ | An open access journal | N | Y | Original research | ||
Adverse drug reaction to antiparkinson agents in Idiopathic Parkinson Disease: a prospective observational study in a Movement Disorder outpatient clinic | International journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology | 6 | 4 | April 2017 | 901-5 | Firoz Thaha¹, | Pubmed and pubmed central | N | Y | Original research | |
Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients in a Tertiary Care Centre | Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research | 5 | 4 | April 2017 | 19884-198889 | Sangeetha Purushothaman¹, Reneega Gangadhar², Anitha Kumari². K, Sanjeev Nair³ | Open access medical journal | N | Y | Original research | |
Knowledge, attitude,and practice of health -care professionals on setting up of clinical pharmacology department in a tertiary care centre of South India | National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology | 7 | 4 | 2017 | 1-5 | Preeja1, Sonish2, Dhanya2, | Embase , index copernicus | N | Y | Original research | |
Adverse drug reactions: Two years experience from a tertiary teaching hospital in Kerala | National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology | 7 | 4 | 2017 | 1-9 | Dhanya Sasidharan Palappallil¹; Sai Nathan Ramnath²; Reneega Gangadhar³. | Embase , index copernicus | N | Y | Original research | |
Pattern and distribution of ABO and RH(D) blood groups within paternal and maternal family subsets of an individual :an observational study | International Journal of Humanities,Arts,Medicine and Sciences | 4 | 11 | Nov 2016 | 85-90 | Manju nair1 & Reneega Gangadhar2 | DOAJ | N | N | Original research | |
Teaching effectiveness: a student feedback questionnaire based study | International journal of medicine and pharmaceutical science | 6 | 5 | 2016 | 9-14 | Manju nair1 & Reneega Gangadhar2 | Open access journal | N | Y | Original research | |
Utilization pattern of NSAIDs and gastroprotective agents:A prospective analysis in patients with musculoskeletal pain in a tertiary care hospital | International journal of Anatomy,Radiology and Surgery | 5 | 3 | 2016 July | 01-05 | Resmi Douglas¹, | DOAJ | N | N | Original research | |
Adverse drug reactions among hospitalized patients in psychiatry department in a tertiary care hospital | Journal of Health research and reviews | 3 | 2 | 2016 May - August | 78-80 | Dhanya T.H¹, | Open access journal | N | Y | Original research | |
Effectiveness of revised pharmacology record books as a teaching-learning method for second year medical students | Journal of clinical and diagnostic research | 10 | 1 | 2016 jan | FC05-FC08 | Dhanya S.P¹,Reneega Gangadhar² | Embase | N | Y | Table Data |
Name of the Faculty: Dr. Ganesh V
Article Name | Journal Name | Volume | Issue | Year | Page. No | Authors | Name of Indexing agency | Association/Society Journal (Y/N) | Same Subject Journal (Y/N) | Original Research/RCT (Y/N) | Benefit Of Promotion (Y/N) AP -> ASSOC.PROF ASSOC.PROF -> PROF |
Evaluation of analgesic activity of venlafaxine in swiss albino mice, | International journal of scientific research | Vol 6 | 6 | Jun 2017 | 32,33 | Mohamed gani A, | Index Copernicus | Y | N | Y | |
Evaluation of Anti diabetic activity of Aqueous Extract Of Coscinium fenestratum colcbr stem in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats | International journal of scientific research | Vol 5 | 5 | May 2016 | 43,44 | Ganesh V, | Index Copernicus | Y | N | Y | |
Screening of Anti inflammatory Effect of Venlafaxine in Wistar Albino Rats | Indian Journal of Applied research | Vol-1 | 5 | May 2016 | 69 | Ganesh V, | Index Copernicus | Y | N | Y | |
Screening of Anti diabetic activity of Aqueous Extract Of Coscinium fenestratum colcbr bark in Alloxan Induced Wistar AlbiniDiabetic Rats | Indian Journal of Applied research | April 2013 | 78,79 | Index Copernicus | Y | N | Y |
Name of the Faculty: Dr.Suhaina.A.S
Article Name | Journal Name | Volume | Issue | Year | Page. No | Authors | Name of Indexing agency | Association/Society Journal (Y/N) | Same Subject Journal (Y/N) | Original Research/RCT (Y/N) | Benefit Of Promotion (Y/N) AP -> ASSOC.PROF ASSOC.PROF -> PROF |
Drug prescribing Pattern with cost analysis and monitoring of Adverse Drug reactions in Dermatology | International Journal of Scientific Study | 6 | 8 | 2018 | 146 | Suhaina.A.S, | PubMed | Y | Y | Y | Y |
An assessment of the prescribing skills among second year MBBS students in a tertiary care teaching hospital | International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | 10 | 2 | 2021 | 172 | Suhaina Abdul Samath , | PubMed, | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Name of the Faculty: Dr .Supriya S S
Article Name | Journal Name | Volume | Issue | Year | Page. No | Authors | Name of Indexing agency | Association/Society Journal (Y/N) | Same Subject Journal (Y/N) | Original Research/RCT (Y/N) | Benefit Of Promotion (Y/N) AP -> ASSOC.PROF ASSOC.PROF -> PROF |
Stevens-Johnson syndrome induced by co-administration of Allopurinol and Colchicine | F1000Research | Vol 7 | Dec 2018 | Selvakumar SS, | PubMed | ||||||
An assessment of the prescribing skills among second year MBBS students in a tertiary care teaching hospital | International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | Vol 10 | 2 | February 2021 | 4 | Suhaina A.S., | Google Scholar, | Yes | Yes | ||
Impact of Remedial Teaching for Low Achievers in Pharmacology to Improve their Academic Performance | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | Vol-13 | 11 | Nov 2019 | 1-3 | Reneega Gangadhar1, Charmila Veeraswamy2, Supriya SelvakumarSuseela3 | Index Copernicus, | Yes | Yes |
Name of the Faculty: Dr. Deepti.V.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Article Name | Journal Name | Volume | Issue | Year | Page. No | Authors | Name of Indexing agency | Association/Society Journal (Y/N) | Same Subject Journal (Y/N) | Original Research/RCT (Y/N) | Benefit Of Promotion (Y/N) AP -> ASSOC.PROF ASSOC.PROF -> PROF |
Proteosome inhibitors: A targeted therapy | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. | 7 | 5 | 2016 | 488-497 | Deepti, V. D., | Scopus | N | Y | N | |
Assessment of Correct Technique of Inhalational Devices in patients with Obstructive Airway Diseases in A Tertiary Care Hospital. | Research J. Pharm. and Tech | 13 | 6 | 2020 | 2873-2876 | Kavitha. R, | Scopus | N | Y | Y | |
Experimental Evaluation Of Oral Antidiabetic Activity Of Whole Plant Extract Of Tephrosia Purpurea In STZ- Nicotinamide Induced Diabetic Rats. | Indian Journal Of Applied Research. | 12 | 2 | 2022 | 44-46 | Dr. Kavitha.R & Dr.Deepti.V.D | Pubmed, Google Scholar | N | Y | Y |
Name of the Faculty: Dr. Neha K
Article Name | Journal Name | Volume | Issue | Year | Page. No | Authors | Name of Indexing agency | Association/Society Journal (Y/N) | Same Subject Journal (Y/N) | Original Research/RCT (Y/N) | Benefit Of Promotion (Y/N) AP -> ASSOC.PROF ASSOC.PROF -> PROF |
Prescribing patterns in the management of arthritis in a rural tertiary care teaching hospital | International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | 10 | 1 | 2021 Jan | 49-54 | Neha K.1 *, Ravi Shankar M.2 | PubMed and PubMed Central (PMC) Index Copernicus Directory of Science etc. | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Pattern of analgesic usage among post-operative patients in orthopedics department in a rural tertiary care hospital: A prospective study | National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology | 10 | 2 | 2020 | 184-187 | Chandrakantha T1 , | EMBASE | Y | Y | Y | Y |